Tuesday, May 6, 2014

Blog #13- Glossary Terms

It's time to now review that glossary list that you have been accumulating all semester.  Please choose 5 words from your glossary, write their definitions, and state why they are important to understanding communication disorders.  Please do not have any duplicate glossary terms from other class members so the earlier you get this done, the more words you will have to choose from.

Tuesday, April 22, 2014

Blog #14 - Presentations and Power Points and Prezis, Oh My

Several weeks ago we learned much from each class members' speech or language presentation and are now going to share some of what we've learned via our class blog.  Please compliment each other on jobs well done, sharing a bit of what you learned from at least two presentations and how that learning may affect how you work in your classrooms. 

Friday, March 28, 2014

Blog #15- Glossary, Samples, Interviews, and More

You've taken the time to add new glossary terms to your communication/language/speech disorders list each week.  You've also had the opportunity to take a language sample, a speech sample, and interview an SLP.  Please share one thing that you've learned from this class that you will be able to put into practice as a special educator.
