Thursday, January 29, 2015

Blog #3 - Teaching "Christianly"


Please respond to our class discussion on "Teaching Christianly" particularly as it relates to  teaching children with communication disorders. Are there any Language Acquisition Models discussed in class that could tie into this theme?  We can take this discussion in any direction and see where it ends.




  1. When teaching children, regardless if they have a communication disorder, I think it is important to communicate a clear message so they know what is expected out of them. B.F. Skinner explained that environment plays a key role in language acquisition. It is important at home and at school that adults provide model examples for children to imitate. If children see adults taking the time to communicate effectively there is a good chance that they will pick up on those skills. Although at times it may be hard, I think it is important to teach Christianly. As we discussed in class no matter what we have going on in our personal lives we must put that aside for the moment and realize this is what we were called to do.

    1. Thanks, Nicole. If we were only all able to put aside our personal lives and concerns for all of those around us.

  2. When we are teaching we are making an impact on these children everyday. They look up to us and we are a role model to these young children. It is important to model the appropriate behaviors we want the students to exhibit and we do that as well throughout the classroom. Students pick up on your mood and behavior. I agree with Nicole, when we are working with any students, regardless of communication disorders we have to be clear and concise when speaking to the child. Make directions simple for each child. I teach kindness in my classroom everyday. I make a point for each child to be friends with other children. I always say in our classroom we are friends. I praise students who are showing what its like to be a good friend. Skinner's theory of the behavioral model explained that language is learned through imitation and reinforcement. The students are learning from us through example. I always laugh to myself when I see my students holding a book out and reading like I do during story time or using my phrases that I say. We are true models for our students and we have to show the students how to be kind citizens by leading by example.

  3. We certainly are all models for our students.

  4. Teaching Christianly is so important especially when talking to children. Whatever their abilities are they are developing and learning habits that will follow them into adulthood. Children with communication disorders may not know what appropriate words are to use in certain situations. As both Nicole and Kristina said, if we model good communication skills it gives many learning opportunities throughout the day. Just making the effort to make sure to use kind language at all times in the classroom can have such an impact. Frequently, in my school, I see students that say very inappropriate things to adults in the building getting picked up my parents who are saying very inappropriate things to the adults that are supervising dismissal. As teachers, we cannot undo some of these behaviors that students see at home, but we can certainly present an alternate way of communicating that gives a more positive example.

  5. Presenting an alternate way of communicating to impressionable is so important.

  6. Teaching Christianly is a great way to model moral and kind behavior. We can do this by using kind words towards one another and providing students with the right dialog to practice. I often find that students/children don't have the ability to say what they mean so by giving them some practice with kind terms or just words in general will help them get their message across. When one of my students offends or emotionally harms another, I give both parties the words (tools) to use so the message cannot be misunderstood. It is true that we cannot control what happens outside our buildings but hopefully the time they spend each day inside school will carry over and the message will be kindness.

    1. It is so important to model moral and kind behavior so that it does carry outside of the classroom.

  7. I believe that I teach Christianly everyday in my classroom. I try to put myself in the shoes of my students when they may present what may be looked at as an undesirable behavior. I do what I can to understand as to why a student may behave a certain way or respond a certain way. Students with communication disorders have so much to say, but don't know how to properly do so at times to get their own points across. I reflect daily on what I can do differently to make learning and communication successful for my students. I also teach 'social thinking' in my classroom, which helps them to learn how they can too 'teach christianly.' We learn together how what we say/do can positively or negatively impact another individual. I believe Skinner's behavioral model is a great example of how individuals can learn by doing.

    1. I'd love to hear more on the concept of 'social thinking'.

  8. The best way to teach Christianly is to model it in your classroom. Other than using kind words, it is important to teach acceptance and uniqueness to all students. Everyone is different, and all students have strengths and weaknesses. Students with communication disorders can especially have a difficult time in the classroom socializing. It is important to set students up for success, and to teach students how to help one another when they see someone struggling. Teachers can model this to all students through kind words, demonstrating ways to be helpful, and having patients.

    1. We will talk specifically about our uniqueness in class in a few weeks.
