Saturday, January 10, 2015

Blog #10- Gardner's Intelligences

Take Gardner’s MI test found at
What did you find out about yourself that can help you be a better communicator and speech and language teacher in the classroom?


  1. My two highest scores were social and self. Scoring high in social is important because I'm a teacher and we have to communicate the minute we walk into the building to the minute we walk out. We communicate with children, colleagues, and parents. We need to be clear and concise when speaking to these individuals. I learn best from a group discussion. When working with students with speech and language disorders I can help the students lead class discussions and provide opportunities for the students to model me and model the students in the class discussion. I can reflect on the class discussions and find areas the student might have deficits and improve on for the next class discussion.

    1. I appreciate your emphasis on class discussions.

  2. My top scores were in the areas of social, self, and nature. I believe that my scores were actually pretty accurate and reflective of myself. As a teacher the social component is important because were are teaching our students how to have good social skills and how to be a part of a group. In the area of 'self' this can help me be a better communicator or speech/language teacher in the classroom because I can assist my students on how to better understand their own triggers and how they can appropriately respond to their triggers by using a strategy. Being able to have social communication skills and self-reflective skills will positively enhance the classroom for my students because I will always seek to do better for my students.

  3. My top scores were in body movement, self, and social. I think this test was pretty accurate. These areas are important not only as a physical educator but also as a teacher. Being physically active allows me to demonstrate and show my students the importance of exercise. As a teacher having good inter/interpersonal skills helps me be a good listener and provide appropriate feedback.

  4. My top scores were on body movement, music, and social. I think that is a pretty accurate description of my strengths. I really enjoy taking my students for walk breaks. It allows time to talk to them about what they are struggling with, or just getting to know them while we move to let off some steam. Sometimes for a break we will play musical chairs and allow the students to pick the song. If you pay attention to the music they pick it gives some further insight into what they enjoy, for example the song might be from a movie they enjoy. Using these insights help when looking for what motivates a student, and in some cases gives you something in common to talk about.

    1. Good ways to gauge your students' interests.

  5. My top scores were in self and nature. That makes sense to me. I really enjoy my time alone and I enjoy the world around me. I laughed a bit when one of the suggestions for self enhancement is to read cook books. I do that all the time even if I do not plan on using the recipes. I also enjoy being outside in nature. I also find myself incorporating these interests in my classroom. It is easy to pass on what interests me and things I know well. I bring in stories about these strengths and makes it easier to carry on conversations with the students to build their knowledge of the topics.

  6. My top scores were social, logic/math, and self. I feel this is accurate. I enjoy learning from others, and often learn more from discussing with others rather than reading a textbook. My math/logic sense likes to figure out how things are related, and thinking further into what is the obvious. I believe this helps me when working with students. Being social is very necessary in all aspects of teaching, and having a logic/mathematical sense allows me to pay attention to details and try new ways to get students involved and understanding.
